Monday, November 1, 2010

Bourbon Biscuits

The moment, I saw this bourbon biscuits in Sujana's blog, I decided to bake them. But, she used egg in her recipe. I browsed for egg less ways to bake these cute yummy sandwich biscuits. I found some recipes and made few changes to the ingredients and my favourite biscuits turned out so good.

Ingredients :

1. All Purpose Flour – 1 cup
2. Butter – ¼ cup
3. Sugar – 1/2 cup
4. Instant Coffee Powder - 1/2 tsp (Optional)
5. Baking Soda – 1/2 tsp
6. Baking Powder – 1/2 tsp
7. Cocoa – 1 tbs
8. Vanilla Essence – 3/4 tsp
9. Honey – 1.5 tsp
10. Milk - 3-4 tbs

For the Filling :

1. Butter – 1/4cup
2. Icing Sugar – 1/3 cup
3. Cocoa – 1 tsp
4. Vanilla Essence – 1 tsp

Procedure :

1. Sieve all purpose flour, baking soda, baking powder and cocoa together.

2. In a bowl, mix butter, sugar, vanilla essence and honey together.

3. Now, mix the sieved dry ingredients and instant coffee powder with the above butter-sugar mixture. Add milk a little by little to make a soft dough.

4. Spread a plastic sheet. Dust it with a little flour. Now, roll out the prepared dough.

5. Cut the rolled dough in to equal sized rectangles.

6. Sprinkle sugar on the top and prick holes with a fork in 3 places at an equal distance (Optional)

7. Grease a baking tray. Bake the biscuits at 325 F for 15 minutes.

8. Cool for couple of minutes before using the filling.

9. Apply the filling using a spoon on one biscuit and place the another biscuit over it.

10. Store in an air-tight container.

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எல் கே said...

bourbon biscuits my all time fav.. thanks for sharing nithu

சைவகொத்துப்பரோட்டா said...

இந்த நாள் வரை பிஸ்கட் சாப்பிட மட்டுமே தெரியும் :)) இப்போது செய்முறையும் தெரிந்து விட்டது, நன்றி.

Brindha said...

Wow!!! If it is this good and easy, then I am going to bake it rather than buying it :)

mamtc said...

never thought that these kinda evergreen biscuits could be made at home. Thmx nithu.

Amritha Kalyani said...

Super biscuits. my husband loves it. perfect bourbone.. looks really simple.

Nitha said...

Love these.. gonna give a try very soon...

Sujana said...

You are welcome, Nithu :)
You seem to have perfected the eggless version of the recipe...
I might even copy your recipe, when I make the eggless version of bourbon biscuits ;)

Suhaina said...

lovely biscuits dear.i love these any time of the day.

Unknown said...

Hi Nithu,

They look lovely...:)


Rachana said...

I loveee biscuits and especially cream biscuits. These bourbon biscuits look excellent.

Umm Mymoonah said...

Home made bourbon biscuits, that's great.

Santosh Bangar said...

biscuits raelooking delicious

Santosh Bangar said...

biscuits raelooking delicious

Santosh Bangar said...

biscuits raelooking delicious

MiniBinoy said...

wow!! this is a super cool choco bourbon recipe.. children will definitely luv it!!

Champa said...

These are my favorite biscuits too. Thank you for the lovely entry Nithu. I know you don't bake often, but I was very glad to see your entry.

Nithya said...

Looks awesome.. was planning to make them when I saw it another blog.. now your eggless version sounds so perfect for me. Will bake it asap :) yummy :)

Suji said...

Bourbons at home...thats fabulous...

Bharathi said...

Hmmmm...YUmmy Bourbon... wonderful... love these anytime...

Mahi said...

nice biscuits nithu! i love these biscuits!nostalgic memories!

Priya Suresh said...

Love bourbon biscuits, makes me nostalgic..

Madhu said...

never even in my wild dreams i thought these can be made at home. super recipe I must say.

Menaga Sathia said...

mm this biscuits very much...

Rekha said...

This is my son's fav too, would defntly give it a try, esp coz it is eggless version.

Preetha Karthik said...

Hi Nithu,

You are having a wonderful space too... I tried this biscuit and it was wonderful. This is going to my next post.
Thanks a lot :))

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for being a part of the Chocolate Fest, as part of Cook-curry Nook's 1st Anniversary celebrations! Hope you had a rollicking time preparing all those chocolate goodies and devouring them. The winner of the giveaway will be announced shortly, along with the round-up. Keep those fingers crossed! May lady luck be with you :)


Archana said...

Wow Nithu this looks delicious. Came over fromTangy minds.

Me & More ... said...

Really great... and nice one .And Congratulation for the award.

Prince2 Courses said...

My little Anna is celebrating her second birthday next week. I will make this for her. Thanks for the recipe Nithu.

Unknown said...

wow..very nice recipe