Gayathri, Shobha and Shanavi tagged me with two sets of questions yesterday. I enjoyed answering all the questions. Thank you so much for tagging me:-) The questions were really framed in an intelligent way..kudos to the people who made these two sets of questions.

Shobha and Shanavi's Questions :
1. Are you a vegetarian, or have you thought about being one?
Yes, I'm a vegetarian..
2. Who inspired you to cook or bake?
My mom:-)
3. How do you celebrate Christmas?...or a favorite holiday of your choice?
We all would get-together either at our place or at any of our relatives place.
4. Do you prefer to celebrate New Year's Eve with friends and/or family, or prefer to ring in the New Year quietly, and privately, at home?
I always love to celebrate New year with my family alone. Normally, I make one or two sweet dishes, we do prayers on New year day.
5. If someone were to ask you to bring dessert to a party, what would you bring? Store bought, or homemade, and if you were to make homemade, what would you make?
I love preparing at home. But, it again depends on the number of people. If I were to prepare something, I will go with a dish that doesn't take much of my time but at the same time, I won't compromise in taste. I hate to attend any party with a tired look!!
6. How will you celebrate your next birthday?
:-) never celebrated any of my birthdays...but, it is an usual practice at home to go out for lunch or dinner on our birthdays.
7. Do you have a New Year's resolution-and will you be sticking to it?
Never take any..because I know, I'm a poor at sticking to resolution!!
Gayathri's Questions :
1. What is your take on organic food , is it a big deal for you ?
Have not much thought about it. But, used to buy organic milk and carrots atleast once in a while. The huge price difference matters here:-)
2. Do you time your breakfast,lunch & dinner or eat when you are hungry ?
Yes, always try to have food on time:-)
3. What inspired you to write a food blog ?
Starting a blog was unplanned one. I wanted a place to store up my recipes and that thought made me to start a blog.
4. You try a new recipe and it does not turn out good,what will you do ?
Most of the times, I try to give it an another form and try to make it edible. You can read the two funny stories related to this question here
5. Name three ingredients you consciously avoid or eliminate even when the recipe calls for it ?
Tofu, eggs and mushroom.
6. Name three things you have to use in most recipes ?
Oil, mustard and onion.
7. How important is eating meals together as a family to you?
We all enjoy eating together. I always feel, dining table is the only place where we can bring all the family members together.
8. You do not like a particular dish at your favorite restaurant, what will you do?
I would write in their guest book to check the quality of the dish!
Now, it is time to pass on these questions to few of my friends...Girls, you can answer any set of questions or you can pick any question from both the set and can form your own set of questions. The choice is up to you...but, don't forget to pass the chain to your friends..keep it going..
1. Mahi
2. Jyoti
3. Priya(Elachii)
6. Latha
7. Gayu
Nice to know more about you...
nice q&A session
very nice questions and answers!
thanks 4 tagging me.. will surely put up a post 4 it soon..
Ha ha.. You've tagged me! Now you've got me thinking about the answers!
Good and crisp answers dear..Good to know about u..
good answers...nice to know about you,Nithu
Nice answers and tkz for tagging me!(Grrrrrrrrr!)
nice to know more about u dear...
Wonderful answers Nithu, I am truly impressed to read the answer to the 8th one,I have been in that situation a couple times and mind you-in my favorite resturant:(
Interesting questions & answers, glad to know more about u..
Enjoyed reading your answers.....nice one
Hey, those are some great answers. Nice knowing more about you dear :)
interesting to know abt u nithu..
Interesting to know more about you:-)
Lovely answers Nithu. Nice to know about you. I couldn't stop laughing when I read about your kitchen mishaps.I think everyone has a nice humorous story on kitchen mishap..
good to know about u...
Loved reading your answers.
Regarding Q8-When I get into a situation like that, I call the chef or the manager and let him know about it so that they rectify their mistake.
Enjoyed reading that QA. Very crisp and nice:)
Hi Nithu!!.. How are you doing?.. Its been long time since I blogged. Congratulations to you on your wonderful blogging journey :)... Nice to read about you!..
Nithu, dear! Thanks for tagging me :)
Sitting in a hotel room in dubai right now and jetlagging and bumming off some open network - But will surely get to the questions as soon as I get back or if I have a good chunk of time alone with the computer
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