Ingredients :
1.Pomegranate - 1
2.Sugar - 6 tsps or adjust to your taste
3.Milk - 2 Cups

Procedure :
1. In a juicer, juice pomegranate, sugar and milk.
2. Filter and refrigerate.
3. Sprinkle few pomegranate seeds just before serving.
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Who tried this recipe?
1. Yashodha
Very catchy and refreshing shake,glad to see u back after a long Nithu..
wow super healthy juice nithu
Love that Color!!!!! Very Refreshing!!!!
Wow Nitu!!! The milkshake looks very tempting. Slurp :)
Very colorful and healthy shake.
That's such a lovely and refreshing smoothie. I have never tried smoothies with pomegranate- now I know better!
How are you?
Very refreshing Pom shake.
Mmm...It's very cute and cooling! Lovely pink colour...
Refreshing Pomegranate drink...thanx for visiting me...You have a lovely space with a wonderful collection of recipes...Glad to follow you tooo..
Lovely colour and looks very refreshing
wow love the sounds gud
delicious looking milkshake
Nithu check out the food palette pink
Hai Nithu,hru??
Healthy & colourful refreshing drink!!!
colorful and refreshing drink...
ரொம்ப நாள் கழித்து வந்து இருக்கின்றிங்க...எப்படி இருக்கின்றிங்க...
அருமையான ஹெல்தியான மில்க் சேக்.....
Refreshing and healthy drink. I'm visiting your blog after a long time looks great Nithu.
Colorful and refreshing drink..yummy
I just love pomegranates! Trying hard to grab that glass over now! ;)
Dear, you've been awarded. Do stop by to collect from me ya ;)
healthy n yummy shake! nice click~!
nice to see u after a long time.yummy and colourful shake
wow... pmegranate is really healthy...and ofcourse tasty too... ur smoothie looks good
Pomegranate milkshake is new to me,never tried or tasted,good one nithu,missed you around :)
Healthy refreshing juice dear :)
very colorful n yummmyy
Looks refreshing. what hpd r u doing good? long time any good news. take care.
Looks so yummy.. healthy drink.. I think i have missed so many posts..
And glad to see u back too Nithu :)
Awesome, i love pomegranate and this sounds delish!!!
Nice colour and healthy drink.
Love anaar juice, I am sure the shake was as lovely as the color!
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