Thursday, September 27, 2012

Giveaway & Event Announcement : Try My Recipes - Cook.Taste.Post

My blog will complete 3 years by mid of October. To celebrate the occasion, I thought I should have an event and a giveaway for my readers. This is organized just as a token of appreciation for your continued support. I take this as an opportunity to thank you all. I hope you all will continue to give your support and friendship forever.

I have decided to giveaway two cookbooks. The giveaway is not a sponsored one. I selected the books and purchased them from store. 

The event will start from today and run through October end. There are few mandatory rules you should follow to qualify yourself for the giveaway. You can double or triple your chances by gaining additional entries as well. 

First Prize : Person who sends the highest numbers of entries will get the first prize.

Second Prize : One person will be selected randomly for the second prize. (Each of your entry will be entered for the random draw. So all will get the equal chances of winning)

Apart from this, there will be some awards too which you can proudly post in your blog.

The giveaway is open to Worldwide readers of Nithu's Kitchen (Both bloggers and non-bloggers). All that I need is your Indian postal address to send your prize if you were chosen as the winner. 

Depending on your response, there may be additional prizes added (Third & Fourth). But I cannot guarantee these two prizes at this time.

Event Logo :

Friends, go through the rules carefully. If you have doubts, please leave a comment. 

Mandatory : (Only if you do all these steps, you will be qualified for the giveaway)

1. Follow Nithu's Kitchen through GFC .

2. Subscribe to Nithu's Kitchen. 

3. Choose any recipe from my blog. Cook that recipe. Taste and post the picture alone.You don't have to write down the recipe. Just link it back to the recipe you chose from my blog. Easy isn't? (Remember, no recipe only picture and link). 

4. You have to choose only my recipes. You should not select recipes from the guest posts in the blog. 

5. Posting logo is mandatory.

6. There might be some dishes of mine you already tried and posted. Don't link those dated entries. Only entries posted between today and Oct 31st will be accepted. 

To gain additional entries :

1. Post about this event and giveaway in your blog with the event logo ( 1 Extra Entry)

2. Add a side bar link in the first half of your blog homepage with the event logo linking back to this event & giveaway announcement. Side bar link should be kept till the winner results are out. (1 Extra Entry)

Once you complete all these steps, send the entries with the following details.

Bloggers, please send the following details to with the subject line "Try My Recipes"

Name :
GFC Name :
Mail Id (to which you have subscribed Nithu's Kitchen) :
Giveaway Anouncement Post Link : (If you announced in you blog, give the link. Otherwise, leave it. It will fetch you an extra entry for the giveaway)
Side Bar Link : (Type YES, if you have posted or NO, if you have not done. This will fetch you an extra entry for the giveaway)
Blog Name :
Recipe Picture Posted URL :

Non-Bloggers, send your entries to the same mail id and subject line as above with the following details.

Name :
GFC Name :
Mail Id (to which you have subscribed Nithu's Kitchen) :
Recipe Picture & Link of the recipe you selected from Nithu's Kitchen :
Non-bloggers, if you want to triple your chances of winning, send any stepwise pictures of the selected recipe.

I will acknowledge your entries within 3 days. If you have not received my acknowledgement mail, please leave me a comment in this post.

What are you waiting for? Come on, put on your Chef Cap and start cooking! 

Good Luck Dear Friends!


virunthu unna vaanga said...

Hi Nithu, first congrats for your blog anniversary dear... thanks for commenting on my space... I know dear how kids will takes our time... be'coz i have seen my sister with her daughter too... n sure am regular reader n love your recipes... Happy hosting dear... ll send my entries to you...

Perspectivemedley said...

This is sooo exciting,,, mainly the only pic, link part :)

hotpotcooking said...

Congrats!!! For third year anniversary. Nice giveaway.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to your blog!!! It is going to be 3 years!!! Nice and interesting event!! happy hosting!! will surely try to send my entries!!
Ongoing Event - Coconut
Ongoing Event - Healthy Foods for Healthy Kids - Combo Meals

Amina Creations said...

congratulations... nice theme for the event... Happy hosting...


Congrats on your blog anniversary...Nice event...

Me & More ... said...

Congrats for your blog anniversary. Thanks for visiting my blog. And of course I will be for your Event.And sending you with my request too by the time.Happy to follow you dear...

Sharanya palanisshami said...

congrats on your blogs third anniversary. i had send my entry . please check.


Asiya Omar said...

Congarts Nithu. Nice event..

Babitha said...

Gfc name:babitha costa


check out

cookbookjaleela said...

Congrats on your Third Blog Anniversary
Nice event..

Archana said...

Congrats on your third anniversary.

Achu said...

congrats on 3rd blog anniversary :) sure will link my entry from one recipe and I 'll submit dear soon

Naiya said...

Congrats!!! For third year anniversary. Nice event.

preeti garg said...

Awesome Event And congrts for 3rd anniversary
Check my Blog When you have time
Preeti's Kitchen Life

Shruti Dhingra Wahi said...

Hi Nithu ...
Lovely event ..will participate for sure !!!
Happy hosting dear :-)
Today's Recipe
Raarha Meat

Shruti Dhingra Wahi said...

Where to link the recipe pic ???
Suppose I tried beetroot chutney from your blog ..then where to link it ??

Shruti Dhingra Wahi said...

Hi Nithu ...
I posted my first post ...Plz do check and let me know if its ok :-)
Today's Recipe
Phulka and Nithu's Giveaway

Unknown said...

Congrats on your blog Anniversary... Lovely event... will link my entries soon !!

Inviting you to join my on-going eventNatural Sweetness Event with White Sugar

Sharans Samayalarai