Sunday, April 28, 2013

Healthy Food for Healthy Kids - Event Announcement & Giveaway for April - May, 2013

Hi Friends, I encountered some problem with Linky tool. Hence I removed it from the event announcement. All the 25 recipes linked earlier are safe. So please dont worry about that. From now please email me your entries. Sorry for the inconvenience.

It is always an good idea to keep our-self hydrated but especially in summer it becomes a necessary. The the temperature is going high these days and it is better we keep ourselves and our kids well hydrated. To stay hydrated drink as much of water as you can. Increase your liquid intake in all possible ways like drinking juices. Alter your diet and try to impart a healthy eating habits that have all fibrous veggies and fresh fruits.

Link all the drinks (Non-alcoholic) that you prepare at home. Before you link, please check the rules of the event..

Event Logo :

Rules :

 1. Post Juices, Milkshakes and Icecream Recipe for kids between 4 to 15 years of age between 10th April and 10th May, 2013.

2. Give link to this announcement and host line up page. Logo is mandatory as it helps spread word.

3. Only Fresh Entries Accepted.

4. Send your entries to with the subject line as Healthy Food for Healthy Kids-Juices with the below details.

Name :
Blog Name :
Recipe Name :
Recipe URL :
(I will take the picture from your blog)

4. Non-bloggers are welcome to send recipes. Send recipe in full with the picture and the same subject line as above.

5. Person who sends highest number of entries will be awarded "Top Contributor Award", which you can proudly post in your blog :-)

6. Every Month A random winner will be selected for a giveaway, from the entries received.

7. Apart from the monthly giveaway, At the end of every year, a overall winner for the event series will be selected and awarded with a gift and badge. For this, one person will be randomly selected from the "Top Contributors".

8. The giveaway winner should provide Indian Postal Address to send the Gift.

9. To qualify yourself for the giveaway, you should follow "Nithu's Kitchen" publicly and Like FB Fan Page.

10. I'l acknowledge your entries received via emails within 3 days else leave a comment in this announcement.

Giveaway Book :

-This is not a sponsored giveaway. It is my Own Contribution to this Event Series.
-Entries that do not follow the rules will not be included in the round up.
-All Participants will get a participation award

You may be interested in :
Other Event Announcement


Shruti Dhingra Wahi said...

Lovely event Nithu ..happy hosting Dear :)

Sangeetha Nambi said...

Super dooper event.. All the best...

Shobha said...

Will try to participate..
Actually we are in winter here. I hardly make cold dishes...
Happy hosting !

Me & More ... said...

Nice Event.. For sure I will participate..

Priya Anandakumar said...

Lovely event Nithu, will enter some recipes...
Happy hosting.

Preety said...

great event..good luck

Asiya Omar said...

Suitable event for summer.Happy Hosting.

Shrima said...

lovely event. will participate for sure. said...

really nice event..all d best.

cookingwithsapana said...

Hi! You have a nice blog with amazing clicks . I have just started following you and it would be highly encouraging if you may visit/follow me back.

Nargis Aara said...

Wonderful event and lovely space :) im ur new follower now :) do visit my space would be glad if you can follow me back :)
will surely take part in this event :)

Nilu A said...

Nice event Nithu... Have linked in my first entry... Aam Panna.. Following you and liked your FB page... Will try to link up a few more... Happy hosting dear :-)

Nargis Aara said...

Following u via GFC Sweets & spices
following via FB with same name too
Happy Hosting Linked up few posts do check out

cookbookjaleela said...

Nice Event nithu , I wil try to link some entries

Aps Kitchen said...

lovely event and my entry is in :)

Nilu A said...

Hey Nithu.. Sent you another entry... Happy hosting dear :-)

Nilu A said...

Hi Nithu.. Have sent you my 3rd entry.. Happy hosting dear :-)

Yashodhas Kitchen said...

Oh my God!!I missed it dear!!! I was not active in blog for the past 5 months due to family health issues!!! How are you??